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Planning Board Minutes 12/02/04


Minutes of the December 2, 2004 meeting

Members present:
Fred Anderson                   Scott Burnside          Bob Edwards     
Spencer Garrett         Mike Oldershaw          Renee Rabideau
Ed Rowehl
Members absent:
Dan Valley                      Bob Bethel                      
Public attendees:
        Geraldine Rabideau              Bob Palmer                      Smith Harriman
        Peter Beblowski         Mike Beauchamp          Marshall Gale
        Dick Edmund                     Sam Harding                     Peter Lamb

Chairman Rowehl opened the meeting at 7:00 PM and designated Mr. Edwards to sit for Mr. Bethel and Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Valley. The board than began the review of documentation submitted by Mr. Palmer on behalf of Mr. Harriman’s application to operate and restore his excavation site on Elm Ave. At the November 4, 2004 meeting the members requested nine additional items of information from Mr. Palmer before they would consider accepting the application. Mr. Palmer provided new drawings of the site wherein he had incorporated the requested changes. The only deficiency in the information supplied was that the photographs did not show the date they were taken. The secretary will obtain this information and mark the photos. The secretary presented a letter dated December 1, 2004 from Peter Beblowski and Martha Pinello, abutters to the Harriman property, expressing their concerns and requesting certain conditions on granting an approval. The members reviewed the requests item by item as follows:

A motion to retain note #5 on the drawing was made by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Mr. Edwards and passed. The reasoning was that the note did clarify the fact that Mr. Harriman’s adjoining property was not part of the excavation site.
A motion to retain the hours of operation as they were noted on the drawing was made by Mr. Oldershaw, seconded by Mr. Garrett and passed. The reasoning was that the applicant had already agreed to the hours and the seasonal nature of the business warranted extended hours.
A motion was made by Mr. Edwards, seconded by Mr. Garrett and passed to require that the applicant place at least two permanent benchmarks on the site. The reasoning was to provide the operator and regulator a means of checking the grades.
A motion was made by Mr. Garrett, seconded by Mr. Oldershaw and passed that it was not necessary to move the haul road, which crossed the visual barrier of Mr. Wade, a disapproving abutter. The reasoning was that moving the road would be additionally environmentally disruptive and the fact that the road was grandfathered.
5a. Mr. Beblowski withdrew the first portion of item #5 to require a hydrogeologic site
investigation. In a letter dated December 2, 2004 he stated the reasons for the withdrawal. The letter is in file #2004-12PB.
5b. A motion was made by Mr. Garrett and seconded by Mr. Oldershaw not to require a
bond for the restoration of the site. The reason was that the size of the site did not justify imposing a bond.

There being no further deliberation, Mr. Anderson moved to accept the application of Smith B. Harriman File # 2004-12PB for a permit to operate an excavation site on property located off of Elm Avenue, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 8A Lot 23 located in the Rural District. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion. Mr. Burnside and Ms. Rabideau recused themselves, as they were abutters. Roll call vote: Mr. Anderson – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye.

Mr. Oldershaw moved to conditionally approve the application of Smith B. Harriman File # 2004-12PB for a permit to operate an excavation site on property located off of Elm Avenue, Antrim, NH, Tax Map 8A Lot 23 located in the Rural District. The following conditions apply to this approval:

Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated December 2, 2004 and previous meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to abide by the operational standards and reclamation inspection checklists.
Permanent benchmarks will be installed.

Mr. Edwards seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Anderson – aye, Mr. Oldershaw – aye, Mr. Edwards – aye, Mr. Garrett – aye. Mr. Harriman was advised that his application had been approved.

Mr. Palmer was not prepared to continue his presentation on Mr. Harriman’s application for a minor subdivision for property off of Elm Avenue. A public hearing is tentatively scheduled for January 6, 2005.

Members then reviewed a revised capital improvement plan for the Fire Department presented by Chief Beauchamp. The only significant change was to replace the request for a tanker for station #2 at $260,000 in 2005 with the request for a Rescue/Pumper for $199,750 in 2005. This vehicle would be to replace the existing 1979 vehicle, which would fetch approximately $3,000 as a trade in.  Mr. Beauchamp cited Appendix D of NFPA 1901 – Guidelines for First Line and Reserve Apparatus, which states that vehicles built prior to 1979, should be upgraded or replaced. The department had investigated the matter and determined that it would be less expensive to replace the vehicle rather than to upgrade it and still have a 25-year-old vehicle. He went on to point out a number of the new features and capabilities of the vehicle. Mr. Beauchamp pointed out that because of rising steel prices, the cost of the vehicle in the past two months had risen by $15,000 so it would be prudent not to delay the purchase. Mr. Beauchamp said he had been working with Mr. Prokop, the Town Administrator and they were currently considering using $100,00 from the capital reserve fund now and finance the balance with a four year lease to own. Mr. Oldershaw asked if the recommendation was the result of a review by a number of people or a committee of one and if the vehicle had been put out for bids. Mr. Beauchamp said that the vehicle requirements had been reviewed by a number of members of the department and bids had not been solicited. He explained that over the years they had enough experience to know were to get the best price and that if it were put out to bid it would probably come in $80,000 higher. Mr. Edwards asked if any building expansions were planned. Mr. Beauchamp felt that none would be needed over the next six years. Mr. Burnside asked the Chief for his opinion on dry hydrants. Mr. Beauchamp said that he was in favor of them and would work with the planning department to see that they are required when necessary in future developments. There being no further discussions, the secretary will forward the request to the selectmen.

The next order of business was to review the capital improvement request for the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Harding presented their proposed expenditures. The most significant was that $50,000 be set aside each year for new athletic fields and recreational areas. The Gregg Lake beach facilities are in good shape and the money requested would be for playground equipment. The facilities themselves would be maintained as part of the government building budget. Although the need for night lighting is not great it would facilitate the activities in the fall and winter months. Mr. Lamb felt that lighting would only be needed in the twilight hours and not late into the night and possibly for Friday night soccer for the middle school. Mr. Lamb also pointed out that proceeds from the concession stand would help fund the lighting program. Mr. Lamb indicated that preliminary discussion with the Middle School indicated that they might contribute $5,000 towards the Shae Field underground irrigation system. The only other item to consider was not part of the request but Mr. Harding felt we should begin to think about it. That would be for a van to transport people. He has had some discussions with Mr. Prokop and there is the possibility of sharing such a van with other organization such as the Grapevine.

Member reviewed the application of Mr. Elder for a minor subdivision of off Pierce Lake Road. The secretary pointed out that a number of items required by the checklist were not provided. An examination of the drawings also indicated other deficiencies. Ms. Rabideau will review the drawings and will advise the secretary of any changes she feels should be made. The secretary was told to advise Mr. Elder that the board would hold a public hearing on the application on January 6, 2005 provided the deficiencies were corrected.

Mr. Anderson moved to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2004 meeting as corrected. Mr. Garrett seconded the motion, which passed. A letter from Town Counsel was presented which covered the filing of a court appearance on the Buschbaum litigation. A copy of the public notice for a public hearing to be held on December 16th for ordinance and regulation changes was presented to the members.

Members then reviewed a proposed draft of changes to Article XI of the ordinance regarding special exceptions to disturb the buffer zone, a definition for “change of use” as none exists in the ordinance, and a citizens petition to rezone a portion of Route 9 from Highway Business District to Residential. It was agreed that these items should be placed on the agenda for the public hearing on December 16th.

Mr. Edwards moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Anderson seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. Rowehl adjourned the meeting at 9:32 PM.

Respectfully submitted.

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board